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Fakultät für Mathematik

Kurzer Lebenslauf

1995   Ph.D. at U Heidelberg. Advisor: Prof. W. Jäger
1995/1996   Post-Doc at Courant Institute, New York (DFG fellow)
1996/2005   University of Heidelberg (assistant)
2002    Habilitation and venia legendi (U Heidelberg)
Summer 2002   Post-Doc at U Pisa (EU grant)
Summer 2003   Guest researcher at MPI Leipzig
Winter 2004/2005 Substitute Professor at U Magdeburg
2005 – 2007   Assistant and Associate Professor at U Basel
2007 – today  Chair “Analysis” at TU Dortmund
2012   Sabbatical at the Courant Institute, New York
2017   Sabbatical at Warwick University
2019   Stay at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge
2023   Stay at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge